Tuesday, May 27, 2008

KPLSPM-Failed! Haha-Thx God!

Rayuan anda untuk ke Kursus Perguruan Lepas SPM Ambilan Julai 2008 telah diterima. Terima kasih atas minat anda dalam bidang perguruan. Rayuan anda akan diberi perhatian.
Tarikh rayuan:10-Jun-2008

MaklumanRayuan dalam talian ini dibuka sehingga 20 Jun 2008 (JUMAAT)

1 comment:

  1. Hi, I stumbled across your blog while searching for KPLSPM interview results.
    I applied for TESL and was called back for interview (thank God I didn't have to rayu) which had taken place on 13th of May. However, I was not accepted after the interview. I guess it is because I'm already in Upper6 although I'm only 18 (same as you, ne?).
    Just like you, I ended up making an appeal. Do you have any idea when the results of the appeal will be out?


    *ps: if you so happen to visit my blog, I'm sorry you can't see much since most of my posts are locked up to those in my neighbourhood only^^;
