Wednesday, December 31, 2008
2009--Year of possibilities!
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¨°º¤ø„¸ HaPpY ¸„ø¤º°¨
¸„ø¤º°¨ NeW yEaR``°º¤ø„¸
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I want to turn over a new left!
First things first, i want to study hard and smart in order to get into top University in USA!
Last year, i wrote 12 posts to my new blog! I remained that number because 12 reflects everything! I love 12!
Say Good Bye to 2008!
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¨°º¤ø„¸ HaPpY ¸„ø¤º°¨
¸„ø¤º°¨ NeW yEaR``°º¤ø„¸
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Say good bye to my old blog!
Total posts including this one is
A short summary of year 2008
I attended Book-keeping Course at Kelantan Commercial School. Finally, I realized that account is not my cup of tea. I stopped the course and join the MUET tuition class. This first 3 months of the year were really a great experience. I knew lots of new friends and I hoped our friendship would stand forever.
8 March 2008
12th Election process of Malaysia! Miracle had happened! Opposition took over 5 states of 13 states of Malaysia.
12 March 2008
My SPM results came out. Not expectablely that I had achieved 12A’s included my mother tongue.
13 March ahead
I started my scholarships application. I almost forgot how many scholarships I had applied. JPA, Petronas, YTM, Sime Darby, KPLSPM, etc…. If I am not mistaken, there were about 12 scholarships that I had applied.
Interviews processes had started. Although I applied for more than 10 scholarships, only 3 scholarships providers called me for the interview processes. Sime Darby, JPA and KPLSPM had qualified me as successful candidates for the interview processes.
12 May 2008
Form 6 and Matriculation started their programs. I had to register as a lower six student at SMK Tanah Merah 1 before I hadn’t been selected as student for matriculation program.
23 May 2008
I registered as a Matriculation student at Pahang Matriculation Centre (KMPH) because my appeal to the government had succeeded. The government offered me a place in KMPH. Thank you! I learned a lot of things when I still in KMPH, I had known a lot of good friends and these friends are still keeping touch with me. I always miss my life there.
9 June 2008
My KMPH’s new friends were celebrating birthday for me.
10 June 2008
I got the news that my appeals to government to secure JPA had succeeded. Thus, I planned to quit matriculation program and went to INTEC to start a new life there.
Mid of June ahead
I quitted from KMPH and prepared for my life at INTEC. I went on medical check-up and did several college admissions’ things.
29 June
I registered as a new student at INTEC. I met my new classmates and new lecturers. For me, everything at INTEC was totally different from everything at KMPH.
1st Semester had started. Honestly, in the beginning, I was thinking of quitting from ADFP program. I regretted from quitting from KMPH. However, days by days, I realized that it’s impossible for me to do so. Thus, what can I do? I just can try my best to brush up my English as most of the courses here were English course. For your information, I got GPA 3.00 for my mid-term examination; I was quite disappointed with my terrible results. After I heard that my KMPH’s friends and other colleges’ friends told me that their GCPA were above 3.5 or almost 4.0, I was frustrated and under pressure. After that, my SAT results had dropped my spirits as well. I got 750 for mathematics part but I just got 480 and 500 for writing and critical reading parts respectively. I hated myself. I regretted why I couldn’t be an expert in English Language. Day by day, I hadn’t shown any improvement. The final examination was over and I was ready to go home!
I came back to Kelantan straight away after my final test. I had nothing to do at home. I was day dreaming. I was thinking about my future. I was thinking about my course and my major. For your information, I will major in Mechanical Engineering (not very suitable for a girl) ~. Now I am wondering why I chose this course. There is no undo path for me! I must try my best no matter what course I will major in! I backed to Shah Alam for 1 week in November. It was just for the KARISMA-Chess Competition. Although I lost all the games, I learnt something new and knew that I was not good enough in Chess. In December, I joined 1 week camp at Gopeng. Besides, I was a committee member of Danell Lee’s mini concert at SRJK© Yuk Cheng! Now I’m writing for my last post of the year 2008! Happy New Year!
I would like to say....
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Rubik's Cube
Monday, December 29, 2008
Today might be the last day of 2008 i can online!
Anyway, thx god my mum have another home phone which i "curi-curi" used to online! "shut up! pls don't tell her!"
yes, you're right! she will notice soon but that time i will be at Shah Alam dy! Better been noticed when i am there than here-my Sweet home! Hehe! Genius!
every time i online using this "not permitted" line is after 12a.m.! this is because all of my family members are sleeping! Hehe. Great idea!
i am not going to talk about the streamyx cut-off incident anymore. i can't blame anyone but Telekom! Haiz! Old story~
i will be at Shah Alam next week, a new life will start again! What is gone let it goes! That's what i can say now. Honestly, i am very miss the matrikulasi life! i also wonder why! i realise that i am more hardworking when i was there! Now, i become lazier and take things for granted! i hope that after this blog is published i will become more hardworking!
Action speaks louder than word! So, i think i better stop typing and go on with my SAT II's stuffs
Things to do before 1st Jan 2009:
i- Clothes-Baju Kurung (at least 3 pairs), formal attires, casual attires, etc…
ii- Books-SAT II books, notes, SAT vocabulary, new semester books, etc…
iii- Dictionaries-I will bring all the relevant dictionaries…
iv- Stationery
v- My visual world-laptop, hp, printer, A4 papers, charger, pendrive, iPod, etc…
vi- College admission’s stuffs-student card, payment slip, key, etc…
vii- Mischievous things-Beverly’s stuffs, Justina’s food, etc…
2- Study at least half of the SAT II’s syllabus.
i- Chemistry
ii- Physics
iii- Mathematics II
3- My TOEFL—I must do lots of practices!
4- Drive car (Please don’t laugh)-I haven’t driven the car since I backed from Shah Alam!
5- Make sure I am sure about what I really want!
6- Find out what I want to do next year!
7- Sleep as long as my body wants!
8- Watch nice and awesome movies only!
9- Enjoy my life before suffering from lots of assignments.
10- Merry Christmas!
11- Happy New Year!—partying
12- Prepare physically and mentally for new semester:-
i- Make sure I’m in the pink.
ii- Mentally prepare for new classmates.
iii- Emotionally get ready to face new unknown lecturers.
iv- Have to receive all the critics willingly.
v- I will be on diet.
vi- 24/7 in the perfect personality.
vii- Aim for 4.0 GCPA.
viii- Accept the fact that I am going to USA.
ix- Love ENGLISH.
x- Hold on the dream to travel around the world.
xi- Get fit- I will rejoin Taekwondo training sessions.
xii- Last but not least…... GAMBATEH!
Saturday, December 20, 2008
No online activity anymore at my sweet home!
P/s: I'm not in the good mood now!
Monday, December 15, 2008
7 days motivation Camp!
That camp was a memorable camp.
However, i quite disappointed with my performance.
I am still the same person.
I haven't changed my personality!
My socializing skills are still the same! At the bottom line!
P.S: I got to go! I am writing these words at Cybercafe because my internet cable had been stolen!
Friday, December 5, 2008
What i need to do......
This is my new blog!
I create a new blog!
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Come on, You can do it!
I am in the group which i was not supposed to be!
剪彩? What?
My job is "easy"
Prepare all the things needed for that memorable event!
"Cutting the ribbon" event!
What do we call it in BI?
02 Dec 2008--Crazy!

Monday, December 1, 2008
1st December 2008
I like Harry Potter Movies but...........

I dislike its books!